Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Brussels, Day 5

- Hi, its day 5 that I have been here, we are eating breakfast in Quick where there is free wireless access in 30 minute chunks with a purchase. Still searching for an apartment, we have a couple options but we are looking for something better still. Having trouble finding a good combination of great apartment and great area, you can't seem to get both. It is a buyers market, there are so many empty apartments around. Hope to settle on one tomorrow.
- People are very friendly wherever we go. It rains a bit but not usually enough to get you soaked. Has been sunny most of the time so far. Trying to stop looking like tourists but it is hard while we are covering the city on foot..... we still need our maps out trying to find our way around.
- Restrooms in resturants typically cost about 0.30E
- 1 wierd thing.... the garbage collectors do brief searches of garbage during collection and leave a fine at your house/apartment if they find any recyclables in the trash, yet there are no recycling bins in the streets, just regular garbage cans....
- Have a few appoinments to get to today, so must go now,
- Owen

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Apartment hunting

Areas to look;
Living in Brussels: Residence permit, housing, social system, health, schools

Way out of price range and weekly rentals;

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Train - London to Brussels

Train, Lon to Bru;

Upon arrival in London, my luggage and I will ride the tube/bus from Heathrow to Waterloo Station

And then from the Brussels train station, bus and subway to the hostel. Pretty much the same for the return.

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