Tuesday, June 27, 2006

EP Training Week

I have just completed one of the main tasks of my internship. This was to organize and run a training week for the offices of IUCN in Europe, all of which are based out of this Brussels office. Our offices came in from Belgrade, Moscow and Warsaw for LFA training and team building. Besides preparing taxis, hotels, restaurants, catering, and training materials, etc. We also prepared a walk in the Forets de Soignes (where I ride on weekends), a huge BBQ and evenings with large screen TVs to watch football.

Our forest walk guides from the Brussels Parks and Forest service.
(photo: Marta Urbaniuk)

It was nice to meet the people that I have been working with the last 4 months, and put a face and personality to the email addresses and reports I have been editing. The group was 19 people, 3 (including myself) are in my office.
(photo: Marta Urbaniuk)

The offices from Russia and Poland brought all their favorite types of vodkas. This of course lead to very happy Russians while the rest of us were trying not to slip under the table. You could tell the Russian vodka was really good, even while it was burning your throat. The real problems began when Polish vodka was brought out that tasted like candy. Don't worry, I maintained my cool and stayed professional, especially compared to others. But now that they are all gone I can rest for a while from such activities.

A nice picture from the forest.
(photo: Marta Urbaniuk)

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