Saturday, March 04, 2006
Return to Saturday Rides
Saturday's ride to me to Overijse (o·ver·ice) on a cold but sunny March Saturday morning. About 10 km south of Brussels through the deepest darkest Vlaams Brabant to the other side of the Forest de Soignes. From there we continued outside into Dutch.... I mean Flemish.... farm country.
The going to start with was pretty good, the sunshine was somewhat hazy, the ground slightly frozen and some snow was still lying around in places. We followed the blue trial until the signage ran out somewhere in the vicinity of Tombeek. With the help of maps and general guess work (not from me) we pushed on, not necessarily in the correct direction but onwards until we got too Wavrestestenweeg (sp). We hadn't veered to far off course and rejoined the trial.
By now the ground was thawing out somewhat, so instead of the firm semi frozen ground from the start we now had plenty of slippery mud to contend with. The mud was also giving problems with gear shifting and chain-suck on the climbs leading to several outbursts. With some temporary chain cleaning we managed to alleviate the problems to an extent.

Of note also we passed some interesting farm life in the form of a very fat contented sheep, a horse smaller than a bike and a very noisy donkey that managed to make some jump out of their shoes, but not me.
We made it back through Begjinhoff (sp?) covered head to toe in mud.

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We made it back through Begjinhoff (sp?) covered head to toe in mud.
